
Friday, November 20, 2009

Practical Applications of Low Moisture Steam Cleaners

Low moisture steam cleaners pump dry vapor (that is, vapor with less than 5 percent of water content) on to a surface to clean and sanitize it. These devices, paired with anti-bacterial technology like Daimer’s ATIS®, kill up Low Moisture Steam Cleanersto 99.9% of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. Temperature levels of these devices range up to 360°F to soften and remove all types of dirt and impurities from surfaces.

The main advantage of low moisture steam cleaners is their efficiency. There are few species of microorganisms able to survive the high temperature and anti-bacterial technology utilized by ATIS® steam cleaners.

This Advanced Thermal Ionic Sanitization™ technology is designed specifically to eliminate commonly found fungi and bacteria. Many latest models of KleenJet® series from Daimer® make use of this technology.

Low moisture steam cleaners are suitable for spot cleaning carpets, upholstery, and mats as well. The main advantage of using steam cleaners is that the time required for drying the surface is very short. However, one has to ensure two things. First, the surface to be cleaned is not heat sensitive. Second, the surface is not overexposed to the steam output.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Low Moisture Steam Cleaners Work Well on HVAC Equipment

There are times when it is necessary to utilize low moisture steam cleaners. This may be especially true when you need to clean thingsLow Moisture Steam Cleaners like HVAC, condenser coils, or other moisture-sensitive equipment. Using low moisture steam cleaners allows for effective cleaning without excessive moisture that needs to be removed afterwards.

For HVAC and condenser coils, keeping them free of dirt and grime will ensure they continue to operate at an optimum level. Dirt and grime buildup can affect the performance of a piece of equipment, so using low moisture steam cleaners on a regular basis will ensure less downtime and repair expenses.

Daimer® offers industrial as well as commercial grade machines through their KleenJet® line of steam cleaners. Knowing how often you will use the machine as well as the size of the job can help you purchase the right model. You have the option to choose from machines with vacuum extraction tanks or without. Depending on what you are cleaning, the vacuum extraction can alleviate the watery mess left behind after steam cleaning.

The uses for low moisture steam cleaners are virtually countless when it comes to cleaning HVAC, condenser coils, and other parts. Using them as part of regular maintenance on your machines can save you money in the long run. After all, clean coils increase the efficiency of the system.

Visiting the Daimer® website at can give you a good idea of what is available on the market for steam cleaning machines. Their detailed descriptions on their KleenJet® line of low moisture steam cleaners will help you make an informed decision on what is right for your needs.